The staff at Hemlock Creek Elementary welcomes you to our website. We hope that it will provide you with valuable information. Our staff is committed to providing the very best educational experiences possible for our students.
Hemlock Creek Elementary opened in the fall of 2007 and a $4 million addition was completed for the start of the 2015-2016 school year. Hemlock Creek welcomes close to 800 students in grades kindergarten through fourth grade. Hemlock Creek 4 Year Old Kindergarten classrooms are located offsite at our community partnerships sites or at Westwood Elementary. We have both morning and afternoon 4K sessions.
Each grade level, Kindergarten thru 4th grade, has a common block of time scheduled for literacy and math. Our teachers are committed to using data to make instructional decisions and monitor student progress.
Students in grades K-4 receive art instruction once a week for 50 minutes, three 25 minute sessions of physical education and music twice a week for 25 minutes. We have an extensive library that students visit weekly, two full time counselors, and access to an abundance of technology to include Chromebooks, i-Pads, a green screen, and maker space activities. Each classroom also has a cluster of technology within the classroom that aligns to their grade level curricular items. Each classroom has an interactive board and amplification system for use in the classroom.
Hemlock Creek benefits from strong parental/family involvement and support. Your involvement is vital to our students’ success! We invite and encourage you to be an active participant here at Hemlock Creek through volunteering in our classrooms, joining the PTO and joining us for special events.