Mission and Belief Statement
Recognizing that schools and programs will change as a result of changes in our global society, the Board of Education and the District are continually seeking improvement for the benefit of students.
Recognizing that decisions regarding change can be difficult, the Board has established a basic mission statement and set of beliefs to assist in determining the appropriateness of changing programs, practices, etc.
Vision Statement
A vision of pride and excellence
Mission Statement
The mission of the School District of West De Pere is to create a safe comprehensive educational and social environment for students and staff which will produce life-long learners with the capacity to succeed in the local and global community.
Belief Statements
- Students are our most precious resource.
- Each individual is unique and talented.
- All individuals have personal and educational rights and responsibilities.
- All individuals can learn.
- Higher expectations yield higher results.
- Excellence is sought at all times.
- We create the conditions for learning to occur.
- Each individual can achieve emotional, intellectual, physical, and social growth.
- Positive relationships among home, school, and community enhance educational success.